Ali Dark


Personal branding for creatives and small businesses.

Bored af with all the same same shit?

Want to do it different/better but don’t know what that looks like or where to start?

Time slipping by meanwhile you feel there are things you should have done? I know how this feels and one of my missions is to help other creatives overcome the paralysing fog this life can feel like. This is a really specialised service I’ve been providing on a small scale for a few years. You’ll clarify your vision and find the motivation you need to get things done:

Define your best self.

A personal brand is something you can live up to. It’s stepping into the shoes of your best self. It’s more about what you do, how you think and what you feel than it is how other people perceive you. Don’t wait for the future to be the person you want to be.

Start the right projects.

Knowing  what you stand for makes it easy to choose your path. Knowing who you wan to be makes it easy to decide what to do. What would you do? Capitalise on what’s great about you.

Infuse your projects with your inspiring originality.

Knowing what makes you you, means you can lean into this fearlessly. Capitalise on what’s great about you.

Achieve greater creative focus. Find your hidden well of motivation.

This confidence and clarity and focus means you’re always on the right track, moving forward. And you will have to – because a brand only exists when it is expressed. There is an interplay between creativity and action. Once you have your brand defined, putting it into action is the liberating factor.






ali dark drawing